I Got Trapped

Another financial year finished (a month ago) – where did the time go

I (Chris) looked back at my last website blog – September 2019 – what the hell happened???

Well in reflection I got into the same situation as many of the people who come to us looking for assistance. Yes I got so tied up in our business I didn’t have time to stand back and look at other things.

Admittedly we have expanded our team big time in the past 20 months so that we can offer you the best of service. Our team now consists of Roxanne, Claudia, Kathryn, Rachel, plus of course the boss (Jill) and I. Most are not full time, often working from their home, so we do not see them in our office every day of the week. You can review their Profiles in the ‘Why Choose Us?’ section of our website.

We have also expanded our services a bit by now also doing:

Small business Start-up advice and assistance with:

  • Type of business set-up (Sole Trader, Limited Liability Company, Partnership

  • Business Plans

  • Finance advice

  • Budget/cashflow

  • GST registration (if applicable)

  • Business Insurances required

  • Claimable expenses

  • HR (Employees/Independent Contractors)

  • Health & Safety

Business Reviews:

  • Financial Performance

  • Other Compliance

  • Strategic Direction & Planning

So if you think a regular e.g. quarterly Business Review could be a good thing for you contact me chris@upshotnz.co.nz phone 021 081 72557 and we can have a chat about it.

5 Common Accounting Mistakes

The importance of good financial management

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5 ways to get in control of your business finances

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