Small Business Planning For Christmas

For many small businesses Christmas can be a tight time, cash flow wise, especially if they have a business close-down period (additional to the Statutory Holidays).

Client gifts and entertainment expenses can be high, also if you employ staff and pay them holiday pay for a close-down period, you have this expense at a time when your business is not producing or making sales. Other additional costs often include a staff function and or staff gifts.

It’s best to get everything tidied up before you close down e.g.

  • Get information to your Accountant/ Tax Agent, and complete your GST Return, if applicable, for the Oct/Nov period (payment has to be made by 15th January).
  • Ensure your Nov PAYE Return is into IRD and paid by 20th December.
  • Get your December charge-out invoices completed and sent to your customers.
  • Finally, don’t forget your Debtors. Chase up any outstanding amounts a s soon as possible (this is KEY to your cash flow). DON’T be too soft as Christmas, or just after, is a common time for businesses/people to go bust.

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